Bad Cheese is a psychological horror inspired by the eerie charm of 1920s animation. Step into the tiny paws of a mouse spending the weekend at home with a dysfunctional Dad while Mom's away. Be on your best behavior and KEEP DADDY HAPPY.

  • Face your demons - You all live together. You, Dad, Mom, Brother, and the rest of the demons. Try not to cause problems so you don't have to be punished

  • Help around the house - Scrub, sweep, clean, make fries, kill spiders, bring Daddy his pills - essentially, be a good kid

  • Find hidden treasures - Explore the house and look for treats and action figures scattered around. This might be the only fun part about living here

  • Just try to get by - Visit various parts of the house, face difficult situations, and experience the gruesome reality of a child-mouse trying to maintain a sense of normalcy in an abnormal household





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